The gray and red plastic balls are stashed, along with free weights and elastic bands, in the lounge around the corner, under a seemingly endless bar of pale gray marble and cerused oak burl. 灰色和红色塑料球隐藏了起来,再加上自由权和弹性带,在客厅的角落里,有着似乎永无休止的灰色大理石和铅粉色橡木瘤状的条纹。
The remaining branches should be detailed and thin-wood pruned. Plastic Marble is made of colored HDPE grain. 留下的枝条应进行细致修剪和剪除细弱枝。花盘类细腻的纹理,由颗粒细致结合而成。
Applicable to all kinds of plastic, marble and terrazzo floor. 适用于各种塑胶地、大理石及水磨石地面。
The plastic dilatable constitutive relationship of finite/ large deformation theory is used in present paper to analyze anti symmetric deformation of a marble. The stress formula, the eigenvalue equation and the condition that shear bands generate are obtained. 应用有限变形理论的塑性可膨胀本构关系,对大理岩进行反对称变形分岔分析,得到分岔的应力公式、特征方程和剪切带存在条件。